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Conflicts with PHP MySQL Driver
Posted by Cory Wright on 2003-02-28 19:45:48

If you have a version of PHP under the same Apache server as Moto you may notice problems when accessing MySQL. The problem occurs when PHP has not been configured using the --with-mysql options.

For more information see the "Installation" section of the PHP MySQL manual page:

#moto on
Posted by Cory Wright on 2003-02-03 17:38:27

If you need help with Moto, or just want to say hi, feel free to join the conversation at #moto on

At least one Moto developer around the world should be on at any given time. :)

Join the Mailing List
Posted by Dave Hakim on 2002-09-13 00:00:00

To keep up on the latest support bulletins as well as the current state of moto development consider joining a moto mailing list. More information is available on the lists page. You can also search the list archives with Markive

FreeBSD Issue
Posted by Dave Hakim on 2002-09-13 00:00:00

When "auto" paritioning is done /home becomes a symlink to /usr/home. This causes problems for Moto 0.12.0. The --prefix= option passed to configure needs a canonical path (no sym-links) to work properly. If the argument is a symlink then Apache will hang during startup.

If you are configuring MySQL support into Moto, and you have installed MySQL from ports, then you will need to use the following:

./configure --with-mysql=/usr/local  

Debian 3 Issue
Posted by Dave Hakim on 2002-09-13 00:00:00

There is a nasty issue plaguing with the apache server included with Debian 3 . Turns out there is some wierd issue associated with the distributed apache that requires modules compiled with APXS to have some extra C flags passed to gcc. Adding


to the CFLAGS in the src/mod/Makefile will fix the issue (moto will no longer segfault when a .moto page is hit). Make this change, after configuring moto, but before you make moto. If you have already made and installed moto, cd back into the src/mod directory, make the Makefile change, then

make clean; make install  

in the mod directory.

From the following list thread it looks like this may come up on other linux distros as well:

Also, Debian users need to be sure to have the apache-dev package installed so that the --with-apache configure option can find the header files. In order for Moto to be compiled with MySQL support (--with-mysql) the libmysqlclient10-dev package needs to be installed.

Command failed with rc=16777215
Posted by Dave Hakim on 2002-03-18 00:00:00

If when compiling --with-apache you fail out with the error

apxs:Break: Command failed with rc=16777215  

Your apxs is probably broken. I believe this is the case for the apxs that shipped with Redhat 6.1/6.2. The following link will tell you how to fix it. Of course you could always just rebuild Apache.

Solaris Issue
Posted by Dave Hakim on 2002-03-18 00:00:00

The box I was testing on (Solaris 2.6 / sparc) was using gcc 2.8.1 . This gcc had a number bugs that needed to be worked around, one of which is that certain math operations (between floats and long longs especially) are implemented as functions in libgcc. To link these functions in generated modules you need to use the new configuration option --enable-gcclib. I'd be interesting in hearing if any of you using more recent compilers on solaris have to use this option to make your modules load properly under apache. The other thing about gcc 2.8.1 is that mysql won't compile with it on sparc (little problem casting long longs to floats :P ), so I'm real interested in hearing if moto works fine with mysql on Solaris so I can take it off my list of things to test.

Yes you need APXS
Posted by Dave Hakim on 2002-03-18 00:00:00

If your system doesn't have apxs or the apache headers aren't installed or your apache server isn't configured to load shared object modules ... mod_moto and the moto module compiler are not going to work.

The moto module compiler (mmc) by default installs compiled modules in the libexec directory of the apache installation it was compiled for. If you 'configure --with-apache' and don't provide a prefix to a personal apache installation (e.g. moto picks up the default apache install) , then /usr/libexec/httpd (or whatever it is on your system) needs to be made writable by the user doing the compiling.

Mac OS X Issue
Posted by Dave Hakim on 2002-03-01 00:00:00

You need the latest developer tools installed. Having the root account enabled will be helpful as well. If you're not sure how to do this there is some wonderful documentation on the subject at By default (with no --prefix specified), 'make install' installs all of moto's components in /usr/local/moto. The root user should create this folder first and chown it to the user doing the compiling.

Slackware 8 Issue
Posted by Dave Hakim on 2002-02-05 00:00:00

A couple of extra steps are needed to get moto installed under Slackware 8.

  1. tar xvfz moto...
  2. /usr/lib# ln -s ../libexec/ apache (so the configure script can recognize Apache)
  3. ./configure --with-apache --with-mysql
  4. make
  5. cp mod/ /usr/lib/apache
  6. add the lines to httpd.conf *
  7. restart apache and test (ok)

* In the httpd.conf file, right after the load module section there is a ClearModuleList directive followed by a whole bunch of AddModule directives. If you add a

AddModule mod_moto.c  

directive at the end of that section the module will be correctly loaded.