$use("cstdlib") $use("codex.util")
${ /* Some common functions we'll want */ void println(Object o) { print <String>o +"\n"; } void outputNV(Object n,SymbolTable s) { print <String>n +" => "+<String>s.get(<String>n)+"\n"; } void outputNA(Object n,SymbolTable s) { print <String>n +" => {"+join(<String[]>s.get(<String>n),",")+"} \n"; } void fill(SymbolTable s, String[] names, Object[] values){ for(int i=0;i<length(names);i++) s.put(names[i],values[i]); } void valueToKey(Object oldkey, SymbolTable src, SymbolTable dest) { dest.put(<String>src.get(<String>oldkey),oldkey); } { print "\n# 5. Hashes\n\n"; SymbolTable age = new SymbolTable(); String[] names = {"Nat","Jules","Josh"}; Integer[] values = {new Integer(24), new Integer(25), new Integer(17)}; // Fill the age hash fill(age,names,values); } { print "\n# 5.1. Adding an Element to a Hash\n\n"; SymbolTable food_color = new SymbolTable(); String[] names = {"Apple","Banana","Lemon","Carrot"}; String[] values = {"red", "yello","yellow","orange"}; // Fill the food_color hash fill(food_color,names,values); // Add a new food food_color.put("Rasberry","pink"); // Output the keys print "Known foods:\n"; food_color.keys().each(println); print "\n# 5.2. Testing for the Presence of a Key in a Hash\n\n"; print food_color.contains("Banana") + "\n"; // true print food_color.contains("Martini") + "\n"; // false print "\n# 5.3. Deleting from a Hash\n\n"; food_color.remove("Banana"); print "\n# 5.4. Traversing a Hash\n\n"; print "\n# 5.5. Printing a Hash\n\n"; food_color.keys().each(outputNV(?,food_color)); // Or if you'd like to sort the keys first Vector v = new Vector(); food_color.keys().each(v.add); v.sort(<int(Object,Object)>strcmp); v.elements().each(outputNV(?,food_color)); } { print "\n# 5.6. Retrieving from a Hash in Insertion Order\n\n"; SymbolTable food_color = new SymbolTable(); Vector order = new Vector(); String[] names = {"Apple","Banana","Lemon","Carrot"}; String[] values = {"red", "yello","yellow","orange"}; // Fill the food_color hash for(int i=0;i<length(names);i++) { food_color.put(names[i],values[i]); order.add(names[i]); } // Retrieving from the Hash in Insertion Order order.elements().each(outputNV(?,food_color)); } { print "\n# 5.7. Hashes with Multiple Values Per Key\n\n"; SymbolTable ttys = new SymbolTable(); String[] names = {"Dave","Stefano","Cory"}; String[][] values = {{"tty1", "tty2","tty3"},{"tty4","tty5"},{"tty6"}}; // Fill the ttys hash fill(ttys,names,values); // Output the ttys hash sorted by username Vector v = new Vector(); ttys.keys().each(v.add); v.sort(<int(Object,Object)>strcmp); v.elements().each(outputNA(?,ttys)); } { print "\n# 5.8. Inverting a Hash\n\n"; SymbolTable surname = new SymbolTable(); String[] names = {"Mickey","Babe"}; String[] values = {"Mantle","Ruth"}; // Fill the surname hash fill(surname,names,values); // namesur will be surname inverted SymbolTable namesur = new SymbolTable(); surname.keys().each(valueToKey(?,surname,namesur)); // output namesur namesur.keys().each(outputNV(?,namesur)); } }$
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Copyright © 2000 - 2003 David Hakim