${ /* This class can be used to display simple pagination controls for paginating through A large query result. Initialize it by passing in the number of records, page size, and current page to the constructor. Than call the printPaginationControls method to output the control. The control generates a link with the state variable _page although you can pass a tablename prefix (so that the state variable is named users_page or something) */ class Paginator { int page,pagesize,pages,lowerPageBoundary,higherPageBoundary,maxPages,lowPage,highPage;
Paginator(int recordCount, int pagesize, int page){
this.page = page; this.pagesize = pagesize; this.pages = ( recordCount /pagesize)+( recordCount %pagesize!=0?1:0); this.lowerPageBoundary = (page - 1)*pagesize; this.higherPageBoundary = page*pagesize > recordCount ? recordCount : page*pagesize;
this.maxPages = 14; this.lowPage = 1; this.highPage = pages;
if(maxPages < pages) { if(page > pages - (maxPages / 2)) lowPage = pages - maxPages; else if(1 > page - (maxPages / 2)) lowPage = 1; else lowPage = page - (maxPages / 2); highPage = lowPage + maxPages; } } void printPaginationControls() { printPaginationControls("_page"); } void printPaginationControls(String tablename){ { String template = getRequest().getURI().substring(getRequest().getURI().lastIndexOf('/')+1); }$ $declare(int i) <small> $if(pages > 1) $if(page > 1) <a href="$(template)?sid=$(state.getSID())&$(tablename)=$(page-1)">prev</a> | $endif
$for(i=lowPage;i<=highPage;i++) $if(i==page) <b>$(i)</b> $else <a href="$(template)?sid=$(state.getSID())&$(tablename)=$(i)">$(i)</a> $endif $if(i<highPage) | $endif $endfor $if(page < pages) | <a href="$(template)?sid=$(state.getSID())&$(tablename)=$(page+1)">next</a> $endif $else $endif </small> ${ } } } }$
| |
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