/* Generates a String that selects for when 'attribute' matches for one of the specified '\' delimited values. This string can be tacked onto the end of a sql WHERE clause for versions of mysql that don't support 'IN' */ String generateSQLInClause(String attribute, String values){ StringBuffer qbuff = new StringBuffer(); Tokenizer vTok = new Tokenizer(values,'|'); String curVal; if( (curVal = vTok.next()) != null){ if(curVal eq "*") return ""; qbuff.append("AND ("); qbuff.append(attribute+ "='"+conn.escape(curVal)+"'"); while((curVal = vTok.next())!=null) { if(curVal eq "*") return ""; qbuff.append(" OR "+attribute+"='"+conn.escape(curVal)+"'"); }
qbuff.append(") "); } return qbuff.toString(); } }$
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